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Emsculpt & CoolSculpting Treatment Near Long Island, NY

Contact or Visit Sculpt My Bod to Schedule a Consultation

Are you self-conscious about your weight? Do you have love handles or post-pregnancy pounds that you can’t seem to get rid of, no matter what diet or exercise routine you try? Non-invasive body contouring treatments from Sculpt My Bod may be the answer to your prayers! As a non-surgical division of Island Plastic Surgery, Sculpt My Bod offers Emsculpt and CoolSculpting treatment near Long Island, NY.

Dr. Pamela Gallagher brings over 25 years of experience to our clinic, which also specializes in providing Lunchtime Lipo, Cellfina, and Body FX procedures for men and women of all ages. You have specific body image goals in mind, and we want to help you achieve them with permanent results. Please contact us today to explore our minimally-invasive, non-surgical treatment alternatives with a free consultation with Dr. Gallagher!

A Variety of Minimally-Invasive, Non-Surgical Treatments

Because we understand and recognize that every body and every patient are different, Sculpt My Bod offers a variety of minimally-invasive treatment options, including:

  • CoolSculpting – Using a specialized cooling device, CoolSculpting freezes fat cells. It takes a few months for the body to flush these dead fat cells out naturally, but this offers a permanent solution for many of our patients with stubborn pockets of fat in their sides, stomach, or thighs.
  • Emsculpt – Emsculpt uses high-intensity electromagnetic waves to stimulate hyper-active muscle contractions to target muscle and fat. This procedure is ideal for toning your abs and buttocks, especially post-pregnancy.
  • Body FX – Using radiofrequency energy and deep tissue heat, Body FX is a treatment focused on reducing the appearance of cellulite on your tummy or thighs. Body FX is a less invasive alternative to liposuction preferred by many of our patients.
  • Cellfina – Using small needles, Cellfina is a one-time procedure used to improve the appearance of cellulite found on the thighs and buttocks. Patient satisfaction is high with this treatment.
  • Lunchtime Lipo – Looking for a faster, less invasive option than liposuction to eliminate fat from your thighs, hips, buttocks, stomach, arms, back, chest, or calves? Lunchtime Lipo may be the solution you seek!
  • Plus – Sculpt My Bod offers Plus treatments for patients concerned about the effects of aging. Using radiofrequency energy, Plus helps replenish and reinvigorate your skin’s appearance.
  • HCG Diet – The HCG Diet is an innovative approach to resetting your body’s metabolism. Patients are given a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin designed to curb their appetite and promote healthy weight loss.

Sculpt My Bod Is Conveniently Located in Mineola, NY

Our office is conveniently located at 190 E. Jericho Turnpike in Mineola, NY. You’ll find us near the Long Island Bagel Café, Piccolo’s, Pete’s Golf Shop, and Siege Athletics. We’re open standard business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Fridays, and by appointment. We welcome patients from the Long Island area, as well as throughout Nassau and Suffolk County!

Request a Complimentary Consultation at Sculpt My Bod

Are you interested in requesting a complimentary consultation at Sculpt My Bod? Please fill out the form found below, and a member of our empathetic staff will respond as quickly as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about CoolSculpting and our other treatment options, our team is here to listen and address them based on our many years of experience. We’re here to put your mind at ease!

Sculpt My Bod

190 E Jericho Tpke.
Mineola, NY 11501


Hours of Operation*
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
*or by appointment

Request a Complimentary Consultation
